40+ Wholesome “Green Flags” That People Noticed on Dates That Made Them Want to Go on Another Date

This article appeared in Bridesblush and has been published here with permission.

Wholesome “Green Flags” That People Noticed on Dates That Made Them Want to Go on Another Date

Relationship red flags are those moments that signal whether or not a relationship is right for us. What we don’t talk about enough is green flags, which are all those wonderful things our partners do. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of wholesome green flags people noticed in the early days of their relationships that totally melted our cold hearts — from performing selfless acts for strangers to bringing over goodies after getting laid off.

Helping Those in Need

Young mothers often have a tough time adjusting to motherhood. Perhaps their income isn’t enough to make ends meet, or maybe they’re stuck taking care of their children without any help. This young mom was doing her best, but needed some help.

Helping Those in Need

If we watched a new partner be so selfless, we would probably feel exactly as this person did. There’s nothing better than seeing someone who has all they need give back to those who don’t.

Bad Sense of Humor

All comedians have to start somewhere, which is how amateur comedy nights were born. But as hard as they try, sometimes the jokes just don’t land, whether it’s the jokes themselves or the audience that’s the problem.

Bad Sense of Humor

It takes a lot of guts to get up there in front of everyone, though, and it’s so wholesome that he wanted to encourage the comedians no matter what. Being so caring is even more important than his sense of humor!

Three’s Not a Crowd

When you’re a pet owner, it’s really important that your partner knows how much your pet means to you. They’re a part of your family, after all, and this girl clearly understood that.

Three’s Not a Crowd

Let’s be real, here — she was probably even more excited to hang out with a cute puppy than her date. But as that puppy’s owner, they must have been so thrilled to know she was so laid back and willing to care for that puppy as if it were her own.

Building From the Ground Up

Money is tricky. While we all like to say that money isn’t everything, it does also make the world go round and we all need enough to at least meet our basic needs. Still, when this guy fell on hard times, his date didn’t care.

Building From the Ground Up

There’s nothing more wholesome than knowing for sure that your date likes you for you and not because they think you’re well off or going to buy them things. The fact that McDonald’s fries are delicious was just a bonus.

Onward and Upward

Anyone who has been on a date and had it go on longer than planned because they were just enjoying themselves so much knows what a good feeling it can be. That’s what happened to this new couple.

Onward and Upward

Couples who can be silly together can get through just about anything together, and this moment sounds like something straight out of a romantic comedy flick. None of us are surprised they ended up married!

Making Bad Days Better

Servers in restaurants have it rough. They get tiny paychecks, relying almost entirely on tips from customers who are often rude and treat them poorly. Thankfully, the server for this first date didn’t have that experience.

Making Bad Days Better

The OP’s date easily could have just kept that $50 for herself, but instead she decided to give it to a waiter who was probably overworked and underpaid. That just showed what a caring, wholesome person she is. She definitely brightened up his day.

Always Trust the Cat

Cats are finicky creatures, but like any other pet, they’re often a good judge of character. Many people will swear that someone isn’t a good person if their pet doesn’t like them. This person didn’t experience that.

Always Trust the Cat

It can be pretty hard to earn the trust of a cat, so this is definitely a wholesome reason to hang onto someone. They were probably so relieved to find someone they could have over without worrying about their cat pouncing!

Surprise on the Doorstep

Getting laid off is just as hard to deal with as getting fired. Sure, it’s supposed to be better since it’s not about your quality of work, but it still means being out of a job that you were counting on.

Surprise on the Doorstep

She easily could have blown him off when he was down, but instead, she took it upon herself to cheer up someone she hardly knew. That’s the kind of wholesome humans-uplifting-humans support we love to see.

Attention to the Details

One of the easiest ways to win someone over is to do something incredibly simple — pay attention. Notice what they drink and what they like to eat, and actually listen to how their day was and the stories they tell you.

Attention to the Details

This only cost him a few bucks, but he showed his date that he cared enough to get something he knew they liked, and that would mean a lot to any person. He did everything right, and we give him major wholesome kudos.

Finding Her Forever Person

No one wants to go through a divorce, because no one gets married with the intention of separating. But sometimes, no matter how hard you try, relationships just don’t work out for one reason or another.

Finding Her Forever Person

A lot of wheelchair users experience people paying more attention to their chair, so it must have been a breath of fresh air to have someone genuinely care about her as a person. Everyone deserves love as wholesome as this.

That Easy, Natural Feeling

When looking for a romantic partner, most of us say the same things. We want someone who makes us laugh, someone we feel comfortable around, and someone who makes us feel good about ourselves.

That Easy, Natural Feeling

Sometimes, it feels like it’s too good to be true when we meet that person, but this story tells us otherwise. When you know, you just know, and there’s no such thing as moving too fast.

What a Good Mom Does

You may find it surprising the number of single mothers who have stories about their dates getting upset that they won’t put them before their own children. It seems like an unreasonable demand, yet it happens all the time.

What a Good Mom Does

The fact that this man recognized that this is what should be normal is definitely a major green flag, and pursuing further dates with him would definitely be worth it. It’s so great to find someone who simply gets it.

Nothing Wrong With Eagerness

There are a lot of dating “norms” that shouldn’t really be norms, as they’re outdated and silly. One of those norms is that you shouldn’t text someone too soon after a date because you don’t want to seem too eager.

Nothing Wrong With Eagerness

If it were us, we would want our date to seem eager to talk to and see us again! The whole point of the early days of dating is to enjoy each other’s company and make each other feel good. This guy clearly gets it.

Talking for Hours

Have you ever tried to have a conversation with a date, just to realize it was like talking to a brick wall? For one reason or another, the conversation just doesn’t flow, and you’re both left feeling awkward and disappointed.

Talking for Hours

This couple experienced something beyond the opposite of that, and it must have been a great feeling. We want to know if they can still talk for 11 hours straight after 12 years of marriage, though, as that’s a pretty long time!

Homemade Birthday Cake

There are a lot of people in the world who don’t get to experience the joy of their birthday being a big deal. Maybe their family couldn’t afford it, or their friends didn’t care, or their birthday was at an inconvenient time of year.

Homemade Birthday Cake

Boys deserve to be treated, too, and it’s so sweet and wholesome that she recognized that and made him a homemade cake. It clearly meant a lot to him, which means all her time and effort was 100% worth it.

20 Years and Counting

It’s always a nice feeling to be out somewhere as a couple and have a stranger compliment you. It’s surprising, though, when that happens on a first date. That’s exactly what happened to this couple.

20 Years and Counting

The waitress clearly had a sixth sense for detecting well-off couples, because these two lasted! Maybe she should leave the service industry and shift to being a relationship guru. She clearly knows her stuff, after all!

Bare Minimum of Support

Not every relationship is rainbow and sunshine. Many of us end up having an experience or two with a toxic partner who leaves us with a lot of baggage and causes harm long after they’re gone.

Bare Minimum of Support

This guy was so right in that supporting her through the moment was just basic human decency. It’s great that this girl had the opportunity to see a healthy, green-flag reaction to a situation so that she could learn exactly what is normal and good in a partner.

No One Gets Left Out

Dating someone who lives with roommates is often similar to dating someone with siblings. You have to win over the roommates in order to win over your date, and this girl was clearly determined to do just that.

No One Gets Left Out

Instead of letting his roommate feel left out, she incorporated the roommate in the date, making it so they all had fun and built great, wholesome memories together. If that’s not a green flag, what is?

Unwilling to Say Goodbye

Have you ever called someone you care about, expecting to have a quick catch up but instead staying on the phone simply enjoying each other’s company? That’s precisely what happened to these two on a new date.

Unwilling to Say Goodbye

That last line hit us right in the feels. We agree that every person deserves to feel that kind of love, whether it’s from a romantic partner, a family member, or even just a really great friend.

Erase the Stigma

There are a lot of little weird things that humans pressure each other about as a society, and many of them are related to completely normal bodily functions. Farting is the main one; many people, particularly women, absolutely refuse to ever fart in front of another person.

Erase the Stigma

This is hilarious. Not only did he break the ice, but he’s totally right; why should a normal bodily function be such a big deal? We applaud his bravery, as it clearly paid off.

A Secret Witness

For people who like to be early, a date also showing up early is always a good sign. It indicates one of you won’t eternally be waiting on the other. But what if your date not only turns up early, but does something incredibly wholesome?

A Secret Witness

Homeless people deserve love and kindness, and watching someone you’re interested in selflessly give to a stranger is bound to make you feel good about going on the date.

Joy in the Little Things

Hummingbirds are such fascinating little creatures. They’re so tiny, yet the job they do is so important, since they’re very important pollinators, just like bees. It’s hard not to want to watch them whenever you see them, and this girl on a date couldn’t resist.

Joy in the Little Things

You’ve got to appreciate someone who takes joy in such little things in life, like witnessing a tiny piece of nature at work. It shows she pays attention to detail and easily finds happiness in the world.

The Pleasure of Comfortable Silence

Hiking can be a really fun first date activity as long as you’re sure that the other person is totally up for it. If they’re willing to travel an hour with you to a hiking spot, then they probably are.

The Pleasure of Comfortable Silence

Being able to exist in comfortable silence is so important in any type of relationship, but especially in a romantic one. Space doesn’t always need to be filled up with words.

An Unexpected Couple of Hours

One of the hardest parts of being a divorced parent is not getting to see your children as often as you would like, so when the opportunity arises, you should always take it.

An Unexpected Couple of Hours

Some people may read this and think, “How is ditching your date a green flag?” But, if you’re someone who’s interested in starting a family, there’s no bigger green flag than watching your date prioritize their children over their own romantic escapades.

She Actually Listened

Somehow, society has made it seem normal for women to do all the talking on a date, and for the man to either sit there silently or to not really be a part of the conversation even when they do try to speak.

She Actually Listened

A woman listening to a man on a date should be a given, yet it isn’t, and that’s what makes this so wholesome. Now, we desperately need updates — did she say yes?!

Clear, But Not Creepy

Sometimes, when men show their interest in a woman, they can become a bit pushy and aggressive, even if they don’t realize it. It makes women feel uncomfortable and cornered, which is no way to start a new relationship.

Clear, But Not Creepy

That’s why it’s nice when things like this happen, where the man is direct about their intentions, but never tries to force the woman to do anything she doesn’t want to do. This guy knows what respect is.

Easy to Please

For some reason, it’s more socially acceptable to hate on cats than it is to dislike dogs. It’s probably because people put more effort into understanding dogs’ body language than cats’, which makes them think cats aren’t affectionate.

Easy to Please

This hatred of cats is especially true among men, so it’s always surprisingly wholesome to meet a man who actually loves cats and realizes how great they can be. That’s a green flag if we’ve ever seen one for any cat lover.

Was That So Bad?

Men asking women on dates is the most socially acceptable thing to do, but thankfully, that’s slowly changing. Women are becoming bolder and getting more comfortable being the ones to get things going — which is exactly what this woman did.

Was That So Bad?

Maybe he was too nervous to ask her out, or perhaps he couldn’t tell whether she was interested in him in the same way. That’s why it’s so wholesome that she finally put her foot down and made things happen.

Balancing His Time

It’s generally considered rude to be on your phone while on a date. Sure, we’re all addicted to our tiny little rectangular computers, but it’s important to respect the person we’re sitting across from.

Balancing His Time

It still seems a little impolite that this apparently happens frequently, but she is okay with it and he respectfully asks her each time, and that’s what matters most.

Silly String Shenanigans

Have you ever spent time around someone who’s really good at making you laugh? It just brightens your whole day and makes you feel so much more positive and lightens any stress you may be feeling. It’s great when that person is your date.

Silly String Shenanigans

We’re not sure if this person is describing a real date or a moment out of a romantic comedy movie, because it definitely sounds like the latter. How cute and wholesome is this?

Squashed Snail Sorrows

We’ve all been there; you’re walking along the sidewalk when you spot an insect, and before you can stop yourself, you accidentally step on it. Most people move on, but most people aren’t as empathetic as this girl.

Squashed Snail Sorrows

It’s such a little thing, but to show such care for a tiny creature like a snail just showed her date that she’s someone who cares about what happened to those around her. That’s definitely a green flag.

Palette of a Child

Everyone always says that picky eaters will “just grow out of it,” but that isn’t always the case, and many picky children grow up to be picky adults. There are a lot of reasons one becomes and remains a picky eater.

Palette of a Child

We would like to let the record show that mac and cheese is awesome and is totally a food for children or adults, and that one should never be ashamed of ordering it — fancy restaurant or not.

Being a Good Dad

It’s great when parents get divorced and can keep things amicable, but unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. There are also situations where one parent doesn’t care about the children as much as the other.

Being a Good Dad

It’s so sad that he didn’t feel confident that his date would want to see him again after simply caring about the well-being of his child. If anything, that would make his date want to see him again even more because it shows he’s a good dad.

Never Spent a Night Apart

Maybe you’ve experienced it, or perhaps you’ve seen it in a romcom — you have a fun night and invite someone over for some “nightly activities,” just to find out they’ve run out before you even woke up.

Never Spent a Night Apart

That didn’t happen here, and we’re so glad it didn’t because it gave her the opportunity to share this super wholesome story with the world. He clearly wanted to get to know her more, which is definitely a green flag.

Wrong Way, Right Man

It’s easy to forget that there was a time before navigation apps on our phones existed. It was a time when people on road trips had to print out their directions beforehand, and those who moved to new areas had to learn their way around through trial and error.

Wrong Way, Right Man

It takes a pretty wholesome person to go that out of their way to stop someone from getting lost in a new town. Someone raised that boy with good manners.

A Quick Change of Plans

First dates can be nerve-wracking, but of course, no one wants them to be. You want things to feel easy and natural, which is why it was so great when this girl was able to be honest with her date.

A Quick Change of Plans

Instead of criticizing her anxiety, he took it in stride and found a solution to the problem, which is such a healthy way to respond. Plus, mini-golfing is just a super fun activity for a date.

Asking the Right Questions

We all get tired of doing the get-to-know-you dance that comes along with meeting a new person. Questions like “What do you do?” and “What’s your family like?” get boring and tedious.

Asking the Right Questions

This girl was clearly sick of having those conversations as well and decided to try a new approach, and that approach clearly paid off. Now, we’re all asking ourselves what our favorite dinosaur is in case it ever comes up on a date.

A Silly Bet

Sometimes, asking someone for a second date can be even more awkward than asking for the first one. It’s because you had a good time with the person and know them a little now, so you care more about their response.

A Silly Bet

It sounds like that bet was rigged and that she lost on purpose, but it also doesn’t sound like he was too upset about it. Eight green flags are a lot more green flags than most people get on a date.

Bonding With Siblings

Living with an adult disabled sibling or child comes with a very unique set of challenges. Their lives are filled with love and attention, but they also often come with hardship. It can be a lot for a new date to handle.

Bonding With Siblings

This guy didn’t let it phase him, though. Her sister is a human being like any other, after all, and he showed her that he cared about both of them — which is top-level wholesome.

Up For Hours Together

If you’ve never just sat for a while and listened to music with someone you care about, you should try to. It’s a very calming experience and gives you a chance to bond over something so simple.

Up For Hours Together

If time essentially disappears when you’re with a partner, that’s one of the biggest green flags you can experience in a relationship. It means you were so immersed in your time together that everything else was just less important.

Split it or Bust

The whole “splitting the check” thing shouldn’t be done by the man always paying for the woman. It should either be split evenly — or maybe the person who makes more pays for it, even if that person is the woman.

Split it or Bust

What makes this wholesome is that it proves that she was on the date because she was truly interested in him, not because she was trying to get a free meal (which happens more often than you think!).

Let’s Just Be Friends

Most people’s experience of going on a few dates and having it not work out is that they stop talking and never see that person again. But, what if you’d rather at least keep that person as a friend?

Let’s Just Be Friends

That’s what happened in this situation, and it actually ended up becoming a romantic partnership after all. It’s sad that the girl was so excited that he simply liked her for her, yet it’s a very common experience.

From Quiet to Chatter

If there’s one thing that’s easy for most people to talk about, it’s their interests. Whether they’re passionate about knitting or Star Wars (or maybe it’s both), it’s the best way to make a date feel comfortable.

From Quiet to Chatter

This was a green flag because it showed the date that she wasn’t a boring person — she was just feeling the typical first-date jitters that most people feel. The date found the perfect way to get her to open up.

Straightforward and Serious

Playing games in relationships is one of the easiest ways to scare people off. It shows that you aren’t necessarily serious about building something serious, and that’s usually a serious red flag (did we mention the word serious?).

Straightforward and Serious

That guy knew what he wanted and he went after it, so he gets all the wholesome kudos. It was also cool that their first “unofficial” date was in a group so that they were both more comfortable.

Not a Drop

Getting caught in the rain without an umbrella is pretty infuriating, especially if it happens because you didn’t check the weather or decided to risk going without. Either way, it’s always nice when someone offers to share theirs with you.

Not a Drop

It’s even nicer when the person is doing that purely because they want to, which is what this man did. He was waving green flags before he even knew he was doing it.