John Krasinski and Carl Feilberg
Popularly known for his roles in The Office and A Quiet Place, John Krasinski is an actor and filmmaker born in the late ’70s. He shares strikingly similar facial features to Carl Adolf Feilberg, and one could argue that Carl reincarnated into a handsome actor.

Carl Feilberg was a journalist who was popular in the 1800s and was regarded as one of the most persistent human rights advocates in history. He was also a newspaper editor and a general commentator. The similarities between the journalist and the actor may be coincidental, or someone may have a time machine.
David Schwimmer and His Lookalike
David Schwimmer, aka Ross Geller, seems to have similar facial features to a gentleman from the 1800s. Schwimmer not only shares facial features with this man but is apparently also a gentleman.

The only striking difference in both pictures is David’s lack of a mustache. Slap a mustache on David’s face, give him a similar haircut, and you’ll get a spitting image of the gentleman in the photo on the left.
Eddie Murphy and a Mysterious Man
We all know how funny Eddie Murphy is and how he’s one of the highest-grossing actors in Hollywood. However, you may not know that Eddie has a doppelganger who lived in the late 1800s. Is this a mere coincidence, or did someone do some time traveling?

The picture on the left was taken in the 1890s, and Eddie’s picture was taken in 2015. The resemblance between both pictures is uncanny. Besides being an actor, comedian, producer, writer, and singer, we wonder if Eddie Murphy also dabbles in time traveling.
Johnny Depp and Someone’s Relative
Imagine discovering a photo of your great-grandfather and realizing he looked like someone you know. This was exactly what happened to a fellow who came across this picture of his great-grandfather. He realized his great-grandfather didn’t look like just any random person but Johnny Depp himself!

In the picture on the right, Johnny Depp has the same facial structure as the young man on the left. They both have a similar mustache and are wearing similar glasses. The overall appearance of both men and their striking resemblance makes it tough to believe Johnny Depp isn’t a time traveler.
Michael Jackson and a Statue
Michael Jackson was a world-renowned singer and one of the most famous artists of all time. Popularly known as the King of Pop, Michael Jackson inspired many people during his lifetime and after. After his passing, an Egyptian bust was discovered at the Field Museum, and the striking resemblance between Michael Jackson and the statue is wild!

We know how inspiring his music was, but we’re sure that the great King of Pop had no such influence 3,000 years ago. Egyptians 3,000 years ago didn’t dance to the beat of “Smooth Criminal,” and the resemblance between Michael and the statue can only be a coincidence.
Natalie Portman and a Teenager
Natalie Portman has graced our screens since she was a teenager and has starred in many blockbusters and independent movies. At age 41, she’s an actress, director, and producer. Having reached success at a young age, some of us are familiar with what she looked like back then.

A Reddit user uploaded a picture of her 13-year-old friend, and we’re in awe of how much she looks like a younger version of Natalie Portman! Their features are so similar, right down to their lips and beauty mark. You can color us amazed!
Maisie Williams and Someone’s Grandma
Maisie Williams gained recognition when she starred in the popular TV series, Game of Thrones. She played the character of the brave Arya Stark, and now at the age of 25, she has millions of fans worldwide.

However, was she really born in 1997? It seems she’s been around since 1936. A Reddit user found an old photo of her grandma and was thrilled to see the resemblance between her and Maisie. Anyone would have a hard time convincing us the person on the left isn’t Maisie.
Steve Martin and Someone’s Relative
Steve Martin is a comedian, actor, writer, producer, and musician. Once in a while, he’s been known to take his comedy from his stage to his wardrobe, but this is the first time we’re seeing him in a dress and a matching hat.

A Reddit user uploaded the photo of the great-great-grandmother of his friend’s boyfriend, and we agreed with this user when they said the woman in the photo looks like Steve. We’d do anything to get Steve to humor us and relive this photo!
Did Matt Damon Get Married Twice?
The photo on the right is one of Matt Damon and his wife, Luciana Barroso, while the photo on the left is one of a couple who got married in February 1961. If we didn’t know better, we’d have thought that the man in both pictures was Matt Damon.

Matt Damon was born in 1970 and couldn’t have married a woman in 1961. Well, he’d need a time-traveling machine to do that. He was pronounced the Most Attractive Man Alive in 2007, but even he couldn’t have gotten married nine years before his birth.
Lily Collins and Audrey Hepburn
You’ve probably been living under a rock if you’ve never heard of Lily Collins or seen any of the movies or TV shows she’s in. Lily is an actress and model and one of the most famous people in the industry.

As we see more of Lily, we can’t help but recognize the resemblance she shares with the iconic actress Audrey Hepburn. Both actresses are gorgeous and talented, and with their striking resemblance, it’s difficult to believe they aren’t related.
Zach Galifianakis Meets Louis Vuitton
This picture has all of us confused. How on Earth did we only just realize that the Hangover actor Zach Galifianakis is a dead ringer for Louis Vuitton, the world-famous bag designer?

The best part about this is that the two couldn’t be more different professionally but they’re so similar in their appearance. Either Zach traveled back in time or Louis traveled forward, but either way, we’re here for it!
Michael Hall and Someone’s Dad
Imagine the shock of this woman when she discovered a photo of her and her dad and realized her dad looked just like Michael Hall. An actor and singer, Michael C. Hall is best known for his role as Dexter in the Showtime series Dexter.

With both pictures side by side, netizens have become confused as to who the real Michael is. In the picture on the left, the woman’s father shares the same pair of eyes and nose shape as Michael. They even have the same hair texture!
Jay-Z Was Around in 1939?
Jay-Z was born in Brooklyn in 1969, and no one would’ve batted an eyelid if they saw an ordinary picture of him on the streets of Harlem. However, it’s perfectly normal for more than a few eyebrows to be raised if Jay-Z’s picture was taken in Brooklyn, New York, in 1939. That’s right, 1939!

The picture on the left was taken in Harlem by an activist called Sid Grossman in 1939. The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture exposed the picture after decades of being hidden in the New York Public Library.
Justin Timberlake Isn’t a Thief
Justin Randall Timberlake is one of those singers who’s captured the hearts of women worldwide. Besides being a successful singer, he’s also a talented actor, dancer, and producer. We know Justin Timberlake is guilty of stealing many women’s hearts, but it seems that back in the 1870s, he was guilty of something more criminal. Or was he?

One netizen discovered the mugshot of Charles Burn, a Victorian thief, and we were all amazed at how much he looked like Justin. Charles Burn was from Liverpool and was jailed for false pretenses.
Steve Carell and a Gentleman
Like his co-star on The Office, Steve Carell has a lookalike from history. It seems both actors compete to see who has the most convincing doppelganger. We’ll let you decide who’s the winner. Steve played the role of Michael Scott and had viewers laughing at his crazy antics.

He’s one of Hollywood’s most famous comedians and has made a name for himself over the years. The uncanny resemblance between him and his doppelganger from history is wild! Anyone would have a hard time proving that the gentleman on the left isn’t Steve Carell.
Was Mark Zuckerberg a King?
The King of 16th century Spain was either reincarnated as Mark Zuckerberg or Mark is capable of hopping between different timelines. Mark is well-known worldwide for co-founding Facebook, but is time traveling his side hustle?

The picture on the left is a photo of King Philip IV of Spain, and with that facial structure, he can easily pass as Mark’s twin. The eyes, nose, and even ears are the same. Is this a mere coincidence, or does Mark have a time machine?
Peter Dinklage’s Portrait
Diego Velázquez was a Spanish painter and the leading artist in the court of King Philip IV of Spain and Portugal. This must mean Diego was very talented, and it’s amazing how he created a portrait of Peter Dinklage.

Peter is an extraordinary actor, proving this in the brilliant way he played Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones. Known for having achondroplasia, Peter didn’t let that deter him from giving viewers a great performance. We can only wonder how Diego found Peter’s doppelganger in 16th-century Spain.
Ellen DeGeneres and Henry Thoreau
Ellen DeGeneres is well known for her unique sense of humor, but it seems that’s not the only thing she has going for her. It looks like she can hop between timelines too!

On the left is a photo of Henry David Thoreau, a naturalist, philosopher, poet, and essayist in the 18th century. Give Ellen a beard and a new haircut, and you’ll get a spitting image of Henry Thoreau. As it is, they have the same eyes, nose, and cheeks.
Daniel Radcliffe and Someone’s Relative
Harry Potter is a phenomenal character played by the phenomenal actor Daniel Radcliffe. Harry is known as a powerful wizard with several magic tricks up his sleeve. However, netizens were surprised to see that time travel may be one such trick.

The photo on the left is that of the great aunt of a netizen. Potterheads everywhere can agree that there’s a striking resemblance between Harry and the netizen’s great-aunt. Many also agree that the great aunt also looks like Moaning Myrtle.
Sylvester Stallone Was a Painting?!
Raffaello Sanzio made the painting on the left in 1511. Raffaello Sanzio, better known as Raphael, was an architect and painter of the High Renaissance. He designed some of the masterpieces in the Vatican, and his most famous painting is The School of Athens.

Although he had such impressive talent, we’re still surprised that this 14th-century artist drew Sylvester Stallone. Raphael painted the Cardinal and Theological Virtues in 1511, and we’re amazed at how similar one of the men in the painting is to Sylvester.
Taylor Swift and Hugh Hefner
We were all blown away when a Reddit user shared a photo of his grandparents. His grandmother looked like world-renowned singer Taylor Swift, and his grandfather looked like the founder of Playboy magazine, Hugh Hefner.

What are the odds that, not one, but both grandparents look like celebrities that we know and love? Did Taylor and Hugh travel back in time to take that picture? All we know is that we’d love to see Taylor rocking that hairstyle at this present time.
Matthew McConaughey and Someone’s Relative
Known for his roles in Mud, Dallas Buyers Club, and many other movies, Matthew McConaughey is one of the most popular actors we all know and love. Born in 1969 and a father of three, we had no idea he was much more than that.

Someone realized that his great-great-grandfather looked just like Matthew. The resemblance has left us wondering if Matthew is indeed a time traveler and has been fooling us all along.
Is Keanu Reeves French?
We know you love Keanu Reeves; it’s almost impossible not to. He’s widely known for his roles in The Matrix and John Wick. He proved his immortality and powers in the former, but we didn’t expect him to be truly immortal. Over the years, we’ve seen how little Keanu has aged, and this was a sign we ignored.

The photo on the left is a portrait of Paul Mounet, a French actor born in 1847. Could the uncanny resemblance between both actors be sufficient proof that Keanu is immortal?
John Travolta and His Doppelganger
It seems John Travolta has been outed as a 19th-century vampire. His pale skin and somehow red lips should’ve been a warning to us, but we ignored these signs. However, this 150-year-old photo of him is proof we can’t ignore.

The hairline and eyes of the man in the photo on the left are similar to John’s. They even share the same unique chin. We can only conclude that John is an immortal vampire or has the abilities of a time traveler.
Elijah Wood and a Woman
Best known for his portrayal of Frodo Baggins in Lord of the Rings, Elijah Wood is an actor and producer born in 1981. He landed the iconic role of Frodo Baggins when he was 18, and we all remember what Frodo looked like.

No wonder we were shocked when the photo of this Bedouin woman from the 1900s surfaced on the internet. If we didn’t know better, we would have honestly mistaken her for Frodo Baggins. Those strong but innocent eyes will do the job if the bangs, lips, and nose aren’t convincing enough.
Nicolas Cage and Another Man
Nicolas Cage is a name you’ve heard before, even if you can’t put a face to the name. He’s a well-known actor and film producer, but is he more than that? The photo on the left suggests that Nicolas may also be a vampire that can’t age.

The photo beside Nicolas is of a Tennessee man who lived during the 1860s. Nicolas probably thinks he’s sleek, trying to disguise himself as a young man from a previous century, but he’s not fooling us.
Rupert Grint Definitely Has Magic
Popularly known to Potterheads as Ron, Rupert Grint is an actor who was born in 1988. He was a decent wizard in Harry Potter, and we believe he may be capable of some tricks. This photo suggests there may be more to Rupert than meets the eye.

The photo on the left is a painting of Sir David Wilkie, a painter from the 18th century. Potterheads speculate that Rupert is the same person as Sir Wilkie. They’re certain he must have borrowed the time turner from Hermione.
A Real-Life Mrs. Doubtfire
One of the most popular movies Robin Williams starred in was Mrs. Doubtfire. He was given the role of Daniel Hillard and gave us an extraordinary performance acting as Mrs. Doubtfire. However, we wonder if he knew back then that someone’s grandma looked like Mrs. Doubtfire.

A Reddit user was checking their grandmother’s photos and realized that she looked like Mrs. Doubtfire. The face structure is similar, and they both have similar glasses.
Jack Gleeson and Caligula
Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus is popularly known by his nickname Caligula. He was the third Roman Emperor and was infamous for cruelty and tyranny. King Joffrey of Game of Thrones, played by Jack Gleeson, was infamous for his tyrannical rule.

It’s almost unnerving how Emperor Caligula and Joffrey seem to look alike. It’s almost difficult to tell who’s who, and we can’t seem to determine who traveled between timelines. But we’re glad we got to see Joffrey on our screens, as the show wouldn’t be the same without him.
Jennifer Lawrence and Another Woman
Most of us have seen The Hunger Games, and we know Jennifer Lawrence is the franchise’s star. However, it seems Jennifer is more than just an actress playing the role of Katniss Everdeen, a District 12 tribute.

She’s the perfect doppelganger of actress Zubaida Tharwat. Zubaida is a stage, film, and TV actress born in 1940. She’s famous for movies such as The Other Man and The Guilty.
Queen Latifah and Another Woman
The beautiful singer, rapper, and actress is truly unique, especially regarding her looks, but netizens have discovered that Queen Latifah bears a striking resemblance to Zora Neale Hurston. Zora is a literary legend of the Harlem Renaissance.

During her time, she was an author, anthropologist, and filmmaker. She portrayed racial struggles in the South in the early 1900s. She was passionate about what she believed in, which is another thing she had in common with Queen Latifah. They’re also both published authors.
Daniel Radcliffe and Andy Samberg
Should we be surprised that Harry Potter, one of the greatest wizards of his time, can travel back in time? Well, we are. The upper picture can be considered proof that Daniel Radcliffe, famous for his Harry Potter character, traveled back to the ’70s with Andy Samberg, a known comedian and actor.

Both actors look eerily similar to the boys in the other picture, causing netizens to wonder if they went back in time to enjoy life in the ’70s. Maybe they did, maybe they didn’t. We’ll let you decide.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Someone’s Relative
Leonardo DiCaprio is a respected and distinguished actor and film producer. Imagine our shock when a netizen shared a photo from his grandmother’s yearbook, and we found Leo in it!

In the left photo is Judy Zipper, who, although she’s a woman, looks exactly like the Oscar-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio. Leo looks superb as a man, but we can all agree he looks way better as a woman.
Can Jack Black Time Travel?
The Kung Fu Panda series was quite popular, and Jack Black was the voice of Po. Jack may have abilities we know nothing about, but we know he has a time machine. How are we so sure? This photo is proof enough.

On the left is Paul Revere, an archaeologist and silversmith. The resemblance between this silversmith and Jack is too striking to be dismissed. Jack must be capable of moving between timelines.
Jason Segel and Another Actor
If you watch the TV series The Virginian, you may be taken aback when you see someone that looks familiar. You may even think one of the characters in How I Met Your Mother, Jason Segel, went back in time to act. But don’t worry, Jason’s still here with us.

Jason closely resembles Lee J. Cobb, who was known for his work on the Broadway stage and his film and TV roles. Besides having similar looks, both actors share the same ancestry and were both born on a Friday.
Anthony Hopkins and Socrates
An exceptional actor, director, and producer, Anthony Hopkins is one of the world’s most prolific actors, even at the age of 85. He’s known for his roles in The Silence of the Lambs, Legends of the Fall, and Lion in Winter.

It’s amazing how this exceptional man is the lookalike of another exceptional man in history. Socrates is a Greek philosopher credited as the founder of Western philosophy. Some people noticed how similar Socrates and Anthony look, and we totally agree!
Orlando Bloom or Nicolae Grigorescu?
Nicolae Grigorescu was born in 1838 and was one of the founders of modern Romanian painting. He painted many portraits, including one of himself. However, we’ve been left to wonder if Nicolae truly painted himself or if he painted Orlando Bloom.

The handsome actor is known for playing the roles of Legolas and Will Turner in The Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean, respectively. He was born in 1977, over a century after Nicolae was born.
Ryan Gosling and Someone’s Relative
Ryan Gosling is easily one of our favorite actors of all time. His boyish charm and cheeky grin are certainly doing him a lot of favors. Now, imagine having two of him!

A netizen shared a photo of his grandfather, and we all agree that he looks a lot like Ryan Gosling. Their facial structures and cheeky grins look the same. The resemblance is nuts! We wish we could see what the netizen’s grandfather looked like as he got older.
Aaron Ruell and Someone’s Father
Aaron Ruell is best known for playing Kip in Napoleon Dynamite. He plays Napoleon’s brother and was constantly cast in the shadows with his brother being the lead character. But not anymore!

One user found a picture that showed that Aaron is really a time traveler and is really his father. Seeing these pictures side by side, we have to agree. Look at the mustache, hair, and glasses. We can’t unsee this!
Robin Williams and Another Doppelganger
Known for his brilliant performances in Good Will Hunting and Dead Poets Society, Robin Williams is considered one of the greatest comedians of all time. He was well known for his improvisational skills and versatility. However, very few knew he had a doppelganger in Ilya Ilich.

Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov, on the right, was a Ukrainian-Russian zoologist awarded the 1908 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. Robin was born almost 50 years after Ilya was awarded the Nobel Prize. Did Ilya reincarnate as Robin? Maybe he did.
Bryan Cranston and Max Weber
Maximilian Weber was a sociologist, historian, and political economist. He’s regarded as one of the most important theorists of the development of modern Western society. Born in 1864, Max Weber passed away in 1920 and left a legacy in his writings about society. Although Weber is gone, he’s still with us in the flesh.

With facial features similar to Weber’s, Bryan Cranston can almost be mistaken for the sociologist. Bryan is an actor, director, and producer and is best known for his role as Walter White in the drama series Breaking Bad.
George Clooney and Cary Grant
George Timothy Clooney has been acting for decades, and many of us are familiar with some of his work. He appeared in movies and TV series, such as Ocean’s Eleven, Batman & Robin, ER, and Ticket to Paradise. Clooney is one of Hollywood’s leading men, just like his doppelganger Cary Grant was.

Grant, who’s in the left photo, was an actor. He was also one of Hollywood’s definitive leading men and appeared in many movies between the 1930s and 1960s. Grant excelled in the industry and Clooney is still excelling in Hollywood. You can hardly tell one from the other when their pictures are beside each other.
Paul Giamatti and Shakespeare
You can hardly mention Romeo and Juliet without thinking of the story’s writer, William Shakespeare. Shakespeare was a playwright and a famous dramatist. He’s often called the Bard of Avon and is regarded as the greatest writer in the English language. He passed away in 1616, but this photo almost makes us doubt that fact.

On the right is a picture of Paul Giamatti, an actor, comedian, and film producer. The resemblance between Shakespeare and Giamatti is quite striking, and one can only wonder if they aren’t related in some way.
Robert Pattinson May Be Immortal
Millions of people love Robert Pattinson. After brilliantly playing the role of Edward Cullen in the Twilight series, many have jokingly wondered if Pattinson was a vampire.

This photo may be proof that Pattinson is indeed a vampire. A netizen discovered the photo on the left and shared it. The young man in the photo resembles Pattinson, and they both have the same intimidating gaze that makes ladies swoon.
Although the likelihood of two people sharing the exact same facial features is one in a trillion, some people beat these odds and leave us amazed at how much they look like each other. We’ve made a list of celebrities that look like someone from the past. The resemblance will leave you thrilled and amazed, and you may even wonder if time travel is real!