Lots of people ask themselves whether or not true love really exists, or if it really lasts forever. Suffice to say, we don’t really have the right credentials to answer that. But what we can say is that many couples have managed to hold onto their love for decades, and they’ve gone out of their way to commemorate their relationships by recreating photos of their past at their current age. Here are some of the cutest, most inspiring, most loveable examples.
Still Just as Cool
40 years has no effect on people who were born cool. These easy riders got married all the way back in 1975, when the original photo was taken. The second picture, which uses a different bike but exudes the same easygoing, fun personality, was taken in 2015.

Some things never change, and we imagine that this cool couple will be taking to the road just as often today as they did more than 40 years ago. After all, can’t let that bike just rust in the garage!
Down to the Last Detail
When it comes to recreating an old photo, there is something to be said for couples that even go so far as to make sure they get the same fashion threads they were wearing back then, just in a different size. These two found the exact same clothes, or at least clothes that look really similar to what they had been wearing in the original photo, for the recreation.

Even the people in the background of the photo look the same as before. Now that’s dedication.
From the Very Beginning
For some people, their relationship started a long time ago and managed to carry all the way through to their adult life. This couple has been together since they were elementary school children, but they ultimately ended up as a married couple with their own child.

There’s something really sweet about recreating photos that took place as kids. Maybe it just proves that the couple hasn’t lost their sense of childish glee and fun.
Forever and Ever
Most couples recreate a photo that was relatively recent, but this one is special because it is a recreation of a photo that was taken more than 70 years ago. The couple was 98 when they recreated the original photo, so this type of recreation is definitely an outlier compared to some of the other ones out there.

Funnily enough, we wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the tree in the background is the same one from 70 years ago. That would make for an incredibly special photo!
Some People Are Just Blessed
If there’s one thing that a recreation photo will prove, it’s that some people get older, while others don’t age much at all! This husband is convinced that his wife is aging much slower than he is, and honestly, we can’t blame him for coming to that conclusion.

Is she a vampire? Her husband assumed as much when he commented on these photos, but we’re more inclined to believe that she takes good care of her skin.
Recreating the Perfect Wedding
There’s something to be said for couple photo recreations that involve the very wedding that made them official spouses. These types of recreations are especially noteworthy when several decades have passed, as it really is a testament to the strength of their love.

For this particular pair of photos, the amount of time between the first and the last is a whopping 45 years, which is nothing to scoff at! Here’s hoping it lasts a few decades more.
Effects Included
Some couples go through a great deal of effort to ensure that a photo recreation is absolutely perfect, down to the last detail in regards to copying the original. This couple even decided to add in the somewhat cliché image effects to ensure that the likeness was unmistakable.

But hey, this is how before and after pictures are supposed to be, so we can forgive a few shoddy image effects to achieve the intended end goal.
It Was Clearly Fate
When you first meet at a wedding, and as a ring bearer and flower girl no less, it becomes pretty clear that there might be something special going on. Fate is a strong word, but these young souls had exactly those roles at a wedding they both attended as kids, and then they ended up getting married!

All things considered, we can’t help but feel that this might have something to do with destiny, because it’s far too uncanny to just call it a coincidence.
Well It’s Close Enough
As far as picture recreation goes, we have to deduct a few points because this family didn’t take the new photo in the same location as the first one. But we’ll still give them a passing grade, because this picture is pretty cute. Granted, it’s a couple and their family, but it’s still a couple recreation photo.

Besides, they still made sure to get the flowers and the poses right, and at the end of the day, that’s the most important part of photo recreation.
Keeping it Old School
We’re fairly certain that the newer version of this couple photo could have been done in color if need be, but in keeping with the spirit of recreations, this couple decided to make sure it was black and white, just like the original. Bonus points for keeping the same type of hat.

Apparently there is a 30-year gap between these two pictures. That being so, we have to say, these two are really looking good!
A Break Won’t Stop This Relationship
Most couple recreation photos involve a couple taking a picture when they first became an item, then taking a picture again several years into their relationship. This couple is a little different because they met in elementary school, lost contact for a while, but then reconnected years later and became a couple again.

When these types of things happen, it makes sense that some people want to commemorate it, because it is a massive stroke of luck or maybe even destiny that allows such things to happen.
From 1999 to Today
The turn of the century was right around the corner for this couple when they were first wed, and they decided to recreate the photo they took that day more than 15 years later. There are a few details here and there that aren’t the same, but one thing is, and that’s how happy this couple looks!

Things change, but for some people, the way they feel about one another is something that will always remain constant, and that’s quite comforting to know.
The More Things Change
The more they stay the same! This couple made sure to take their recreation photo in the same place the original was taken, as tradition demands. The child from the first picture isn’t there anymore, but we assume they grew up to go do their own thing, so we can give it a pass.

There’s a gap of 40 years between these two photos, and the couple in them still looks just as happy as they did before. Not to mention healthy.
23 Anniversaries and Counting
When do people pick to commemorate their relationships, and how? This recreation photo was taken on this couple’s 23rd anniversary, which seems like a somewhat odd number to choose for such a thing. We’re not ones to judge, we just want to know the thought process behind it.

But hey, those are small questions that shouldn’t detract from the overarching theme of these pictures: they’re cute and sweet, and that’s what matters.
1978 Called, it Wants the Cute Couple Back
1978 was quite a while ago, no doubt about that. But love transcends time and space! That’s why this adorable couple, so many years later, is still together, and still looking just as in love as the day they were wed all those years ago.

Granted, this isn’t really a recreation of the first photo, but it’s the same couple, in the same stance, with the same looks of happiness on their faces, so we’re inclined to give them a pass.
Don’t Worry, It’s Not the Same Cake
These pictures are 50 years apart, but it’s pretty obvious that all that time didn’t have any negative impact on this couple’s affection for one another. They clearly still have the same enthusiasm that they did five decades ago, though we’ll forgive them for skipping out on using the same cake.

They did mess up the poses just a little bit, but honestly, they’re too adorable for us to deduct any points for something that minor. What matters most is recreating the heat of the moment!
From 1972 to Today
The longer the time between two photos is, the more notable the accurate recreation of the second photo is. Not to say that photo recreation for couples can’t be cute even if it’s only a few years, but there’s something special about reliving a moment long in the past.

This couple even made sure to redo the photo in black and white, several decades later, so we’re inclined to give them bonus points for their dedication on that front.
The Fidelity of the ’90s
The first image of this couple is from 1997, which serves as a reminder of just how far picture quality has come over the years. There’s not as much of a time gap between these two pictures, but either way, it definitely fits into the theme of this article.

We always love to see couples reliving moments in their past, years down the line. It proves that plenty of people have love that lasts forever.
Reliving the Good Times
Surely, couples don’t ever complain about having an excuse to revisit a nice beach. Granted, this couple doesn’t look like it’s actually been a terribly long time since the original photo was taken in the first place, but the image quality of the original says otherwise.

Speaking of which, it is quite interesting to see the difference in photo quality over the years: it’s almost even more noticeable than the content of the photos themselves!
If Only it Was the Same Dog
What’s better than a couple recreating a photo from their past? Having a dog included in that photo. After all, dogs make everything better, not to mention cuter. Unfortunately, we’re pretty certain that there’s no way the same dog could have been used all those years later.

But hey, the inclusion of a dog, in general, is what really matters, right? Well, the couple photo is what matters, but we like the inclusion of the dog as well.
It’s All About the Cake
People really like to recreate the wedding moment in which they feed cake to their spouse. After all, it is a very memorable and enthusiastic part of a wedding, so it’s understandable why couples would choose to recreate that moment, years later down the line.

That’s about as far as this couple went with the recreation though because they didn’t worry much about location or attire. But hey, not everyone has that kind of time!
Not Quite as Romantic
Admittedly, this pair of photos isn’t romantic, because the moment isn’t really focused on the couple’s relationship. However, it still fits the bill for couples recreating photos from their past, even if this one is focusing mostly on the Stanley Cup.

Besides, we can’t really blame anyone for wanting to recreate such an epic moment from their past. We just hope that the cup has been sanitized since then, especially prior to kissing it several decades later.
The Pose Is All That Matters
When it comes to recreating an old photo, you can’t always get the environment and the clothing to be the same, as there are all sorts of obstacles and issues that may prevent that from happening. But what you can do is get the same expressions and poses down, and this couple did just that.

As long as they are happy, it doesn’t have to copy every aspect of the original. The most important thing is that they capture the power of their love after all these years.
There Is Only One
For this couple, the original picture is the only one they have from their wedding day. So naturally, it was the prime choice as far as recreating a meaningful photo was concerned. They even decided to keep it in black and white to ensure that the atmosphere was the same.

Even though the angle is a little off, they chose the same location as well, so that’s extra points in regard to our criteria for photo recreation.
It Was a Sign
When you are the ring bearer at a wedding, and you end up marrying the flower girl of the same wedding decades later, we think it is safe to say that it was fate: or at least, extremely uncanny luck. Realizing exactly how uncanny it was, this couple decided that recreating the first photo was in order, and we agree wholeheartedly.

It helps that the whole thing is pretty cute as well. Either way, this combo of pictures gets a definite pass in regards to recreating a moment from the past as a couple.
A Honeymoon to Remember
Choosing a moment to recreate can be pretty tough for some couples. But when all else fails, going for the honeymoon is never a bad choice. That’s what this couple decided to do, and we feel that it was a pretty good choice, since they even kept the clothes and the smiles.

It’s just too bad the husband didn’t keep his amazing mustache! Then the recreation would have been truly complete and received a perfect score in our books.
Aesthetic Recreation Is the Best
OK, so recreating a particular photo is all well and good, but if you recreate a picture that is aesthetically interesting on top of that, all the better. This couple only had an eight-year gap between the first photo and this next one, but the whole thing still looks great.

We have to say, we are digging the aesthetic attraction of these images, so maybe this couple will go out of their way to recreate the photo in another eight years.
It’s Just Cute, OK?
We don’t have a lot of information about this pair of photos really, but we do know that it is a couple redoing a cute photo, so we’re including it here. We don’t know how much time has passed between the two photos, but we’re guessing it’s been a decent amount of time, based on color alone.

Either way, we’re including this on the list because it’s a cute picture of this couple, and they decided to recreate it, so it fits perfectly with this article.
Golden Times at the Golden Gate Bridge
Recreating photos that were taken at a very noticeable and well-known location is always a bit of a struggle: after all, in order to recreate it, you have to actually go back to that place! But that obstacle didn’t stop this couple, who visited the Golden Gate Bridge on their honeymoon in 1982.

Landmarks are also great for these types of photos because they rarely ever change, which adds a nice extra effect to photos that are taken many years apart from one another.
Just for Fun
When you decide to redo a photo like this one, it’s pretty clear that you’re just looking to have fun: and frankly, that’s what makes this photo recreation pretty cute in our book. Just a couple, deciding that they should redo an old photo just for fun.

It’s clearly been a while, but they look like they are having fun and still enjoy being around one another, so we think they’re still looking good!
There’s Something About the Originals
Many couples try to recreate the clothes they wore in an original photo, but sometimes they get to wear the very original attire, which is especially notable when one’s wedding is being considered. In this photo recreation, the wife is wearing her original wedding dress from several decades ago.

Getting to do something like that is special for both partners, and it certainly makes the recreation photo the couple took even more adorable.
The Enthusiasm Never Wanes
It’s easy to lose that spark, that overall enjoyment of life as one gets older. But not for this couple. It’s pretty clear, decades after the initial photo on their wedding night, that they enjoy life just as much now as they did back then, probably because they can still enjoy it together.

Their smiles are the most notable part of both pictures, so we’re inclined to give it a really high score as far as wonderful couple recreation photos are concerned.
It’s All for the Wall
We don’t actually know how much significance this couple places on this wall in the images: maybe it’s not special at all, and they just happened to take a picture there once before deciding to do it again years down the line. Either way, this is a cute example of a couple recreating a photo from long ago.

We get the feeling this location means something to this couple, but we can’t actually say for certain what it may be. Either way, it made for a great photo element.
From Start to Finish
When you’ve been together since you were children, it’s likely that you are going to have some sort of relationship. Sometimes its friendship, but in this case it’s more. Seeing the humor in their situation, this couple decided to recreate a photo that was taken before they were actually an item.

Of course, babies are cute and all, but we find the whole situation to be amusing more than anything else. Just what are the chances?
The Same Song and Dance
For this couple, not much has changed at all really. Time flies, but they still do the same old things that made them smile in the past. Granted, getting a to be twice as tall as usual is pretty fun, so we can understand why the wife wanted to recreate this particular scene.

In fact, you would probably never guess that there were more than 20 years between these two photos. Some people just age better than others.
Good Friends Help Make Good Photos
It’s easy to retake a photo when it’s just the two of you, but it’s a little harder when you have to rope in your friends to hoist you and your partner up on some chairs. Thankfully this couple managed to find some willing helpers when it came to remaking this candid shot.

It definitely looks like this couple still knows how to have fun, probably in part due to their friends that are willing to have fun with them.
Together Forever
This is another pair of photos that isn’t exactly a recreation, but rather a before and after situation. We’re giving it a pass because it still shows this couple and their love for another after many, many years, which is really the most important thing.

It’s safe to say that there are several decades between the pictures, but it is also safe to say that their love is the same as well.
By an Old Tree
Trees are one of the few things that can last as long as a strong, loving relationship between two people. That said, it kind of makes sense to have the same tree in the background when doing this type of recreation photo. We’re fairly confident that the same tree is in both photos.

Don’t let that fact distract you from the real point of these pictures though, which is exemplifying how long this couple has been together!
75 Years Is Nothing
There’s a gap of 75 years between these two pictures, which goes to show just how strong the bond between these two lovers really is. It’s great to see two people being so in love for such a long period of time because not everyone gets the chance to experience that.

But these two did, and by the looks on their faces, it was 75 years of love, affection, and understanding. With the occasional hiccup, probably.
Let the Young Folks Get in on This Too
Most of these photos are of couples that have been together for decades, but there’s no reason we can’t have a couple that has been together for just one decade on display. After all, it’s not like they love each other any less just because of age!

Maybe this young couple will make a habit out of doing this, in which case they can have multiple recreation pictures over the span of their relationship?
Meant to Be
Not exactly a recreation, but this pair of photos is still commemorating the relationship between two people over the course of a whopping 70 years, and we feel that makes it a pretty good candidate for this list of photos. Wouldn’t you agree?

When a couple manages to go that many years while still being completely in love with one another, it’s a truly wonderful thing.
Thematic Similarities
OK, so this next pair of photos isn’t exactly a recreation, because the couple didn’t copy the important details, like poses and outfits. However, we’re willing to give it a pass because it is quite obvious that this couple intended to recreate the original photo thematically speaking.

The original photo makes us question the relationship at the time, but don’t worry: the weapons are just silly props for a Wild West-style picture.
Still Smitten With Each Other
For some couples, years and years of being together can do a number on their relationship. For this couple, that’s just not the case. It’s pretty obvious that they are just as smitten with one another decades later as they were when they first got together.

If only everyone could be so lucky as to have a relationship like this one, lasting decades and decades. At least these two lived a long and happy life together!
Relaxing in the Back
Suffice to say, we aren’t exactly sure how old the first picture in this duo is, or how many years exactly have passed between the two. What we do know is that the pictures were taken in the back of a car and that this couple looks exceedingly happy being in the presence of one another.

Which, at the end of the day, is the only thing that really matters, right? Everything else is just extra when it comes to showing how much love is in your relationship.
Old but Gold
The angle’s not quite right, but we can tell that the recreation photo was taken in the same location as the original, though we’re not quite sure how long ago that was! This stoic couple felt that it was a good picture to redo in the modern day, and we agree wholeheartedly.

We would like to know exactly how long their relationship has stayed strong, but suffice to say, the answer is a pretty big number, and that’s what we like the most about this picture.