Maybe Just Don’t
There are some things that you can and can’t do when you see someone having a rough time. There are some things that simply don’t help and thoughts you should keep in your head and maybe take a second to analyze them.

If someone looks emotional, odds are, there’s something going on. Just writing a woman off as emotional with questions like this is not only thoughtless but it definitely isn’t going to make anyone feel any better.
This One Either
While you should never ask someone whether they lost weight, that’s really not the only one that you should avoid when you see someone.

Men, if you’re wondering if a woman in your life has put on weight, you really shouldn’t just come out and ask it. Much like asking someone their specific weight, it’s none of your business and pretty much never appropriate. In fact, maybe no one should be asking anyone this question.
They Might Hear You!
There are some decisions that are rather permanent. Once you start raising your children, you’re pretty much in for the long haul. Odds are, you like the kids that you have too.

You probably even love them. While we can see why someone might be curious about parents regretting parenthood, it’s not really a good idea to put someone on the spot with something like that. After all, you’re asking if they ever wish their loved ones don’t exist.
On the Other Hand
While you shouldn’t ask a woman if she regrets having her kids, you shouldn’t do the opposite to single women or women who don’t have children.

Whether someone wants to get married or have children is a question that takes a lot of consideration and it’s a very personal decision. In case that didn’t sum it up, we’ll say this — a woman’s life and family plans aren’t good small talk.
Why Are You Here?
Questions like this seem to run rampant at many workplaces in male-dominated fields and it seems like many women are sick of dealing with it.

If a woman is at a job interview or already working in the office, they obviously want the job they have. They probably have it because it works for them and they’re skilled at what they’re doing. This comment followed by this question is clearly an insult dressed up like a question.
Who Do You Think You Are?
There are a few questions that are safe to ask before you go out. For instance, you can ask if someone needs more time, if they’re ready, or you can even iron out final plans. There are some questions you’ll really want to avoid, though.

For example, never ask someone if they’re changing before you go out. To start, you don’t have any control over what someone else wears. Secondly, there’s a clear and unjustifiable level of disappointment or disapproval in this question.
Quite an Assumption
There are some assumptions that people make that are completely based on nothing other than chauvinism. After all, what else would cause you to come to an assumption like this?

If you ask for the manager and a woman walks up, odds are, she’s walking up because she’s the manager — no matter what your preconceptions about women are. Asking for the manager again is probably only going to put you on her bad side right away.
Do You Think You Can Do This?
There are certain questions that you can ask someone related to their job. For instance, you might ask someone from the IT department to help you with a computer problem.

Yet, there are sometimes certain connotations that you need to think about. This woman is sick of being asked to do administrative assistant and secretarial tasks that aren’t part of her job description — and it’s just because her coworkers saw these as “women’s tasks.”
On Hair Dye
Rarely is it appropriate to comment on a stranger’s or an acquaintance’s appearance. If you’re going to do it, don’t ask this question.

This woman shared that she was so sick of hearing the question, “So, what’s your natural hair color?” For one, this question isn’t really your business in the first place. Short of a stylist whose client wants to go back to their natural color, it’s best to keep comments about hair to compliments or just don’t comment at all.
Are You a Doctor?
Men often use periods as a reason to write off women’s emotions. That’s on top of often not believing how difficult periods can be for some people.

This person was ready to tell men to take the question “Are you on your period?” and consider never bringing it up again. Unless you’re at the store and want to know if you’re partner needs more feminine hygiene products, it’s best to not ask this question nearly ever.
A Bit Backhanded
There are times when a compliment can really lift your spirits throughout the day. That’s really dependent on the context of the situation, though, isn’t it?

In this case, asking someone, “Is that the look you were going for?” isn’t really a compliment when you think about it. If anything, it seems like you’re trying to gauge if someone really likes their outfit because you think it’s absolutely hideous.
An Overasked Question
There are plenty of questions that women have to deal with day in and day out. Some are never going to make women happy, no matter what you might think.

It seems that men have often missed the memo that asking someone to smile more is never appropriate and no woman finds it endearing. If anything, it’s a misogynistic question that a man rarely says to another man. Women aren’t there to be aesthetically pleasing to you.
Just as Bad
Of course, men have often found ways to ask women to smile or lighten their demeanor in ways that aren’t just directly telling asking them to smile.

Asking a woman why she looks so serious is really only something you should ask if she actually looks concerned and you actually want to help out if you can. It’s not a thing you should ask just because a woman didn’t brighten up in your presence.
Not Your Business
Another question that women may hear a lot if they’re single or presumed single is how they could possibly still be single.

To start, why they’ve chosen to be single is likely a more personal question than the period when men tend to throw this question around. Then, it’s also rather personal and you’re pushing her to talk about her romantic life when she may not want to.
Never Appropriate
Men sometimes seem to feel entitled to comment on women’s bodies. We can let you in on a little secret — it’s rarely welcomed, especially like this.

Do you know when women need a second trip to the buffet table? As soon as she feels hungry or sees something that looks good and tasty to her. It’s not a decision for anyone else and this question is always a clear dig at a woman’s size.
In the Same Vein
If you’re going to comment on someone’s food, it’s probably best to stick with compliments. For example, you can tell your friend that her food looks tasty.

When you see a woman sitting in front of a big plate of food, though, it’s not the time to try and make comments like this. We can’t believe we have to repeat it but it seems some men need to hear it — it’s never a good idea or appropriate to comment on how much a woman is eating.
Are You Kidding?
Now, let’s take a step away from food. What happens when you get into an argument? How can you resolve things as a pair instead of fanning the flames? Well, one of the most useful tools to implement here is open communication.

This person knows that there’s one thing that kills the communication, though. If your partner explains her side and then you just stand there and say “Are you done?”, then it doesn’t really seem like you care about her perspective.
Have You Considered It?
There are some things that, once again, don’t seem like the innocent question that they seem to be. Worded like this, it doesn’t seem like men want to get to know a woman’s hobbies.

In reality, when you ask “Have you ever thought about working out?”, it can easily come off as a comment in which you’re not-so-subtly suggesting that she try hitting the gym. Maybe just keep this question to yourself.
Cause for Concern
If you have a close friend who looks exhausted or unwell, of course, it makes sense that you might ask her if she’s doing alright or if something is going on.

This might not be the best phrasing and definitely not a question to ask a stranger. After all, as this person points out, it’s not really a great feeling when someone asks you that and nothing is wrong. At that point, it just seems like you think they look bad today.
Why Are You Asking?
There’s a general rule of thumb about things that you shouldn’t point out. It comes down to what someone can fix at the moment.

For instance, it’s fine to tell your friend she has some lettuce stuck in her teeth or that she’s got toilet paper on her shoe. Those are helpful things that are easily fixed. Asking her if she has a pimple is just pointing out something that is what it is — no one can help it. So, it’s pretty rude.
When at a Restaurant
The service industry is a tough one to be in. It keeps you on your feet, moving, and during a rush, you might have a near-inhuman amount of work in front of you.

For women, there’s often a heaping helping of chauvinism on top of the tough job of being a waitress. If you need something from a waitress, it’s best to be polite to them too. For men, that means dropping the condescending and uncomfortable nicknames for the strangers serving you no matter what your question is.
More Than Annoying
There are some questions that the word “annoying” isn’t strong enough for. This line of questioning is one of those things that flies straight into inappropriate and even harassing territory.

We’re sure you’ve heard the phrase before: no means no. That’s really the end of the sentence. In other words, “no” does not mean “ask again for the next few hours until she gives in.” Stop it and just accept the rejection.
Someone Asked This…
There are a few questions that are so bad, you aren’t sure how they managed to make themselves through someone’s mind and out of their mouth. The fact that someone asked this in the first place makes our jaws drop.

A first date is usually about getting to know someone but that means finding out what they do for a living, their hobbies, interests, and the like. In case it wasn’t clear, this question is one you should never ask.
This One’s Getting Specific
Okay, so the wording here is pretty specific. However, the sentiment is a question that women deal with a lot and hear a lot of questions about.

Once again, a woman’s plans for a family is generally none of your business, unless you’re the partner. This woman was just having some stomach troubles when the bloating brought on a left-field question from her father. It’s usually a better idea to let her tell you if she’s pregnant, especially if you’re going to be so aggressive about it.
Make Assumptions
There’s a dated and incorrect notion that women just can’t perform as well as men in certain roles in life. It’s especially bad in traditionally male-dominated fields.

This woman is fed up with being asked outright and subtly whether she thinks that she can keep up with her male peers. We can say with confidence that she isn’t the only woman whose tired of her position and intelligence being insulted like this.
You’re Just the Cashier
We get that cashiers want to make small talk with their customers. Sometimes, asking how they feel about a certain product they’re buying can be a start.

That rule only really works for instances like asking if they like a new snack you have in stock. Don’t ask how they feel about the outcome of their pregnancy test. That’s almost always a nerve-wracking and highly emotional question that a stranger has no business asking.
A Question About Hair
A lot of people tend to put the expectation on women that they always need to look their best. If they don’t put energy into their look, there are some people who can’t seem to keep their thoughts to themselves.

Some women really love getting their hair done and some really don’t — it’s all down to preference. If you see a woman with some grays showing or her hair growing out, there are a variety of reasons that she might not have gotten it cut or colored.
Can You Handle the Answer?
There are some questions that you have to consider the situation before you ask them. Is it appropriate? Can you react in a mature fashion to the answer?

Really, the only person who really has a right to ask about this is another romantic partner in the sense of safety. If it’s appropriate to ask her, you have to make sure you’re ready to react in a mature manner, not just laugh or make fun.
Not Going to Defuse Things
When you’re in a fight, there are certain things you shouldn’t say. While this woman points it out as something men shouldn’t ask, it’s a question that’s usually generally unproductive.

There are plenty of constructive ways to ask someone how their feeling during an argument. You can ask them to clarify why they’re upset or even ask them to take a minute to cool down before coming back with a clear head. Asking someone to just calm down often throws fuel on the fire.
Not at Work
There are certain questions that have their time and place. If you mutually hit it off with someone on a night out, you might ask them if they’re single.

At work, though, you really shouldn’t ask a woman if she’s seeing anyone — particularly if you’re asking in a flirtatious fashion rather than just engaging in friendly small talk. Odds are, like this woman, she’s not at work to find her next romantic endeavor.
Again, Consider Intent
Once again, we implore you to consider the intent behind your questions. There are a few ways to ask this question and some don’t really work.

If you see your coworker struggling to stack a fifth box on top of the four she’s already carrying, of course, it’s nice to ask if she’d like a hand. However, if you’re asking because you’re assuming that she, as a woman, isn’t as strong as you, it can come across as more annoying than helpful.
Unsettling Questions
There are some questions that men might think of as small talk if they aren’t trying to be as creepy as this question can come across as.

Maybe you just want to know how long they’re stuck on a busy day but with all that women deal with on a regular basis, it can really start to ring alarm bells if a guy at work, especially a patron, starts asking what time you’ll be leaving work.
A Bit of a Generalization
There are some questions that are inappropriate to ask a woman no matter the circumstances. If you do ask them, you can be sure you’re only raising red flags.

There are a lot of problems with this question. For one, it’s a bit of a harsh thing to say. On top of that, you’re not doing yourself any favors by generalizing women like this. Here’s a tip — no woman wants to hear you trash all women in general.
While on Reddit
If you have a general question to ask, Reddit is the place to go. A lot of these users even shared their answers to these awful questions on Reddit.

On the other hand, there are a few things that can really give women a bad vibe when they see how certain Redditors talk about women. This woman is specifically put off by any question referring to the women on Reddit as “ladies.”
This One’s Even Worse
While we’re talking about Reddit, there’s another preface to just about any question that makes most women cringe at the phrasing. It’s a good idea to just steer clear of referring to women as “females.”

It comes across as a red flag because it gives the idea that you don’t think of women as either individuals or even people really. Starting any question like this is going to get you, rightfully, in trouble.
In a Relationship
There are some things that people ask that you really have to take a moment to wonder where exactly they found the audacity to ask.

If you’re trying to flirt with someone and they say that they’re with a monogamous partner, this is not the question to ask. It’s weird and it puts her on the spot in an uncomfortable way. She’s in a relationship, so why do you need the answer to this question?
What Are You Wearing?
Wearing makeup is a choice that’s up to individual women and whether or not they want to wear it. Sadly, that’s not always how men see it.

There are some men who seem to not be able to help but comment about someone’s makeup. This woman was sick of being asked why she wore makeup every time they went on a date. They just wanted to get their look the way they felt confident!
Another Question to Avoid
While you should never ask a woman why they wear so much makeup, you shouldn’t try to go in the other direction with your questions either.

If a woman usually doesn’t wear makeup, maybe it’s not her vibe, she doesn’t like the feeling, or just didn’t feel like going through the whole routine that day. No matter how she feels about makeup, it’s her choice and her choice alone to wear it.
Ask With Caution
We’ve said it before but it bears repeating — some questions have a change in context depending on when you ask them, so think carefully before you ask.

If a woman has just announced she’s pregnant to you or told you she was pregnant already, asking her the due date after congratulating her is just standard small talk. Asking someone about their due date when you aren’t sure they’re pregnant can easily backfire and hurt feelings, no matter what your intentions were.
Big Red Flag
When you start dating someone, there are some things that they might say that really give you pause and make you reconsider the relationship.

It’s not a good look to ask the woman you’re seeing to stop seeing all of her guy friends. In fact, the vice versa is true on this one as well. Asking your partner to stop being friends with everyone from the opposite gender really sets off some big red flags.
Different Paths
This is one question that can annoy just about anybody. However, women deal with questions about their love life, family life, and private life all the time.

If someone hasn’t met a traditional milestone in life, it’s probably not the best idea to ask them when they’re going to do that. No one knows when they’re going to get married when they’re single and some questions can have deeply personal answers that most people don’t want to discuss with near strangers.
Absolutely Unacceptable
There are a few things that you shouldn’t bring up. We’ve already talked about how you should veer away from asking a woman if she’s on her period just because she’s upset. There are a few reasons to veer from this question, too.

For one, once again, women can be justifiably angry or upset about something. Secondly, there’s no reason to make digs at someone using taking care of their mental health in a negative fashion.
Are You Serious?
There are some questions that you can’t believe people could actually just ask so nonchalantly. As a matter of fact, you shouldn’t ask any parent this question.

Again, someone’s family planning isn’t usually your business. On top of that, it really insinuates that the parents don’t find their daughter to be “enough” for the couple or as valuable as a boy.
Let’s Be Honest
Sometimes, it isn’t a specific question you should avoid. Some people had some more general advice to offer when you’re asking a woman questions.

If you’re going to ask something… anything, you need to make sure that you’re ready to hear the answer. It seems like this should go without saying. After all, you want to make sure that you can actually handle the answer to the question you’re asking.
Really? This One?
There are some questions that really, really don’t ever have a place. It seems like the fact that this question is a problem should be self-explanatory.

There are some things that you just never have a good excuse to ask someone. There’s never an appropriate time to ask a woman about her weight, especially when it comes down to the actual number. Why wouldn’t you feel entitled to an answer?
There are some things that you simply shouldn’t say. In fact, oftentimes, you’re better off keeping some of your thoughts to yourself. These women were ready to share exactly why they wanted men to stop asking these questions to clear up any confusion, ya know, for all the men listening.