The Perils of Black Eyes
People with black eyes will relate to this kid’s struggle — it’s really so hard to not look creepy at night with this particular eye color.

This poor child looks like his baby monitor is transmitting from the Underworld, rather than a suburban home. Let’s just hope that he won’t need anything from his parents any time soon and the spirits will take care of him instead!
You Can’t Tell Him Anything
We’re honestly a bit scared of this child because, although we’re sure he’s a great kid, he looks way too comfortable holding that knife. The expression on his face is comparable to that of Tom Cruise when someone mentions Scientology and that’s not a look anyone wants to see!

As if that weren’t terrifying enough, we’re also having trouble gauging this kid’s age… Our guess is anywhere between five and 50.
Grateful We Don’t Know Grateful
Given that this kid’s imaginary friend, Grateful, comes to visit her at night, we have some questions about this family’s home security. We also question how the teacher didn’t run away screaming when she saw this photo.

What does this girl’s actual mother think about Grateful? She’s probably grateful that she’s never met Grateful — we know we are. Time to get those locks changed!
We Need This Poison Recipe
This is what happens when kids watch cooking shows along with a supernatural series — they end up with the combination that no one ever needed. Also, what kind of enemies does a five-year-old have that he’s looking for potion recipes?

When we were five, we were baking treats in our Easy-Bake ovens! Apparently, times have changed and this is what the kids are cooking up now.
This Kid’s Got Fashion Sense!
This kid knows that she’s got some serious fashion sense and she’s not about to listen to her mother’s drab sense of style. Maybe she’s watching a movie about goblins and wants to dress in character?

Plenty of little girls dress up as Disney princesses to watch fairytales, so we see no problem here. We think that she looks absolutely fabulous!
Ken Has Done it Now
Apparently, this is what happens when Barbie has lost her patience with Ken. This creepy work of art was made by a six-year-old who then proceeded to drop it off on her neighbor’s doorstep as a way of welcoming them to the community.

We’re sure that the new neighbors will be perfect citizens, now that they know what will happen if they’re not…
At Least He’s Being Polite
We get that this kid is seriously creepy but at least he’s got manners! It seems that he just wanted to be close to his mama and spend some quality time together.

He maybe should have let her know he was there though, rather than silently sitting next to the shower. Really, though, the only true crime here is the use of the word “yeeted.”
Where’s the Money, Lebowski?!
Clearly, this teddy bear knows something that the little girl will stop at nothing to find out! Although the child claims that she’s “watering” her bear, it looks a lot more like waterboarding to us.

Maybe he refused to give up the dolls’ secrets? Or maybe this little girl believes that stuffed animals need to be watered like plants, in order to grow? Either way, the result is definitely creepy.
What Does She Mean “Again”?!?!
This little girl must have a special connection to the entity living in that house, seeing as how calm and collected she is at the idea that a ghost just tapped her on the back.

Given the fact that she’s had past encounters with this spirit, they must have all been fairly positive ones. As far as haunting goes, this one doesn’t seem too bad…
This Kid Knows Things
Something tells us that this kid will have a future in fortune-telling, we just hope that his dad gets some sort of future at all! If we were him, we’d probably start living our best lives now, just in case…

Hopefully, this dad will still be alive and well in two years — and he’ll follow up with us so we won’t worry anymore. If not, we may need to see if the kid is to blame…
An Alien in Disguise
The baby in this photo is now an adult man and has explained this terrifying image — “When I was a baby, I’d stare intensely at strangers. Not just for a moment, but for hours unless they got out of my sight. My relatives say I used to creep them out. Didn’t help that I looked like a tiny alien.”

Frankly, we can understand how this kind of stare could freak people out. Whatever he looks like now, we can only assume that he now keeps his staring to a minimum.
Hello, Clarice
This kid is giving us some serious Silence of the Lambs vibes. Either that or she’s destined to be a plastic surgeon… for the Addams family.

Given that it’s a toss-up, it’s probably best if we stay away until she grows up and we can see what’s destined for her. We just hope that this child’s parents aren’t spending too much money on her dolls, seeing as how she gives them “makeovers” anyway.
Did it Work?
When this person asked their six-year-old niece about the unique placement of her dolls, the child calmly explained that “they were trying to bring the mommy back to life.”

We have no idea where such a young kid would’ve seen a ceremony like this. Maybe it was the spirits in the house that were guiding her? The most important question, though, is did it work?
A Real-Life Wednesday Addams
This child wanted a Frozen-themed party for her second birthday but apparently, something dramatically changed for her third birthday, since she asked for a The Nun-themed event. As it turns out, the horror flick is this child’s favorite movie!

Our only request for this family is that they let us know when this real-life Wednesday Addams is ready to take over the world so that we can properly prepare.
Did Satan Print This?
This is what happens when you leave a small child alone to play with a scanner and printer. Clearly, this kid had no idea how terrifying this image is, so he asked his parents if he could gift it to his teacher.

Luckily, the parents said no. Although, that would have been an efficient way to scare the teacher into giving this kid straight A’s, in order to avoid being haunted.
Kids Say the Darndest Things
Kids often make up words or phrases because their vocabulary can be too limited to express what they want to say. However, this specific phrasing is particularly creepy and the child seems blissfully unaware.

To be fair, though, we can see how “skin” would be the logical word choice in a kid’s mind. If it’s a kid who’s possessed by evil spirits, that is.
Ready for Anything
This responsible child wanted to be prepared for school the next morning, so he laid out all of his clothes the night before. Of course, when his mom came to tuck him into bed, she had a frightful surprise waiting for her in the form of her son’s diligence.

Whatever time this kid saved getting ready in the morning will probably be spent on his mom’s therapy now.
Who You Gonna Call?
This is what happened when this kid’s mom turned off YouTube so the child could do her homework. So, who do you call in this situation? A therapist or an exorcist? Or maybe both?

This child certainly needs a break from screen time, particularly the content about witchcraft… and programs about disrespecting one’s mother. Hopefully, mother and daughter have sorted things out by now, and rid their relationship of evil spirits.
You Know It’s Halloween…
Ah, that awkward moment when Michael Myers has to have his mom drive him to his next attack. Or when he needs to take a break from a long, and eventful, Halloween to play some patty-cake with a friend.

Really, anything this kid does is just beyond creepy with that mask, making it the best Halloween costume ever. Too bad he wears it all year round, though…
Why So Serious?
This little girl attempted to do her Barbie’s makeup and has unintentionally created the very first Joker Barbie. Toy companies should take note!

Clearly, this child was going for a smokey eye and a red lip but she ended up with something a little less fashionable and a lot more terrifying. What can we say? Some Barbies just want to watch the world burn.
Are You Sure?
While this person seems pretty confident that there really wasn’t anyone there, we’re not so sure. Kids tend to pick up on things that adults just can’t understand. Has anyone ever considered that childrens’ imaginary friends may not be so imaginary, after all?

To be fair, as scary as this interaction is, it would be a whole lot scarier if the woman actually did find someone in the basement!
Nap Time Is Over
This little kid woke up from her nap and wanted to let her parents know it. However, instead of verbally updating them, she decided to wave her hand under the door until someone noticed.

To be fair, the little girl’s method did work. Notice they did, in the most horrifying way possible. It’s official — nap time is over and this kid is ready to continue haunting now.
Proceed With Caution
This creepy incident occurred 12 years ago and, so far, there hasn’t been any follow-up — which honestly has us worried! We just hope that this woman and her husband were extremely cautious during the 100 days following that conversation.

Now that we’ve read this, we’re going to exercise caution for the next 100 days, as well. Just in case this curse is like The Ring and knowing the information will make us the next victims.
All the Nope
We have no doubt that this little girl is an absolute delight, however, she has one particular hobby that’s downright terrifying. Apparently, this five-year-old enjoys hiding around the house and popping out at her parents to yell “Boo!” while wearing this mask.

Somehow, the parents haven’t had any heart attacks from this game yet… they must have nerves made of some serious steel.
Never Sleeping Again
We would never be able to sleep soundly again if this happened to us, at least not until our kid left for college.

We understand that perhaps the child was scared, had an accident, or needed his mother for something else and he was trying to find a polite way to wake her. That being said, someone silently standing over your bed is still absolutely terrifying to wake up to.
It’s Like the Playboy Mansion
This toddler likes to hang their Barbies upside-down on the bed slats. Um, yeah, that’s not creepy at all…

Maybe this kid likes the idea of their dolls watching over them while they sleep? Perhaps they want to sleep with their dolls but don’t want the Barbies to take up the whole bed? Or maybe they’ve just got some sadistic plans in mind for good ol’ Barbie.
She’s Always Watching
Most parents of young children can’t get any alone time, as their kids pretty much always need something. That being said, this woman seems to have a particularly tough time doing her own thing, as her daughter is always watching.

The mom doesn’t know when her kid drew this picture, or what she saw, but mom does know that she’d better be on her best behavior from now on.
It’s Not His Mailbox
Believe it or not — this kid is actually licking that mailbox. While that isn’t a normal practice under any circumstances, the situation is made even stranger by the fact that it isn’t even his mailbox!

We wonder if he licks all the mailboxes in the neighborhood or if whatever spirits have processed him just like that specific one. Or maybe he’s waiting for his soul to arrive in the mail?
Well, That’s Rude
This kid is committing two crimes here — he’s both creepy and rude! Some discipline can rectify the latter but mom may need to hire an exorcist to deal with the former. That’s only if she makes it out of that bathroom alive, though…

Clearly, there are spirits there that her kid is aware of. Hopefully, they’re friendly spirits who, at the very least, will be grateful for the toilet paper.
She’s Got Ice, Ice Baby
Playing in the snow is usually one of the most wholesome childhood activities, however, this kid seems to be enjoying the icicles just a bit too much.

She looks about ready to take over the world with that makeshift weapon! Hopefully, she also built a snow fort that her family can run and hide in before she turns them all into snow angels.
I Love You Too?
How does one respond to this loving, albeit, frightening message? While we wouldn’t want our kid to feel rejected, we also wouldn’t feel very comfortable reciprocating their creepy affections.

Call us crazy, but we prefer for our love letters to be written out with pen and paper. Also, why was this child cutting her own hair? Or did the demons cut it for her? We’re definitely washing our hair with sage tonight!
We Have Concerns and Questions
Apparently, this four-year-old drew a picture of the monster that always follows her around but her parents cannot see. Despite the creepy image, the kid is smiling in the drawing, which implies that she’s befriended this terrifying beast.

We have questions and concerns about this child’s imaginary “friends.” Also, who’s the person hanging upside down at the top of the picture? Is there more than one spirit following this kid?!
It’s an Honest Mistake?
This kid is taking the concept of “man-made leather” to a whole new level! While it’s extremely common for children to misspeak, we really hope this child won’t tell any other adults about the material she believes her dad’s car seats are made out of.

Whatever makes this kid comfortable, we guess. She just has very, um, distinct taste. Just remind us to never buy tan, leather seats.
Gotta Snack While Creeping
This creeped-out parent explained this situation by saying the following, “I woke up to the sound of this creep eating Pringles and watching us sleep from the foot of the bed.” While the kid’s choice of entertainment could use some work, his snacking game is on point!

Creeping must have made him hungry but maybe next time, he should just watch TV while eating his Pringles instead?
Jack Skellington, Is That You?
This must be Tim Burton’s daughter because the family she made for this castle looks exactly like something the gothic director would create. Although these dolls are extremely creepy, we do have to give this child props for her creativity and her artistic skills!

Besides, it’s not like every girl needs to play with princess dolls, ghoul dolls are a perfectly lovely choice too.
Waiting to Grow Up Like…
We’re not really sure what this kid was trying to accomplish here, but we do hope that he reached his goal… whatever it was. Maybe this was a symbolic gesture, showing what it felt like waiting for his mom to come home?

In that case, it’s actually kind of sweet but definitely still creepy. Or perhaps he was just trying to scare his mom? In which case, we have no doubt that it worked.
This Game Is Possessed
This appears to be some sort of demented version of the kids’ game Hopscotch. Apparently, a bunch of neighborhood children got together to create this sidewalk art and then they proceeded to scream while standing over it.

We wonder if this is a ritual they saw on TV or if these kids have simply been possessed? Either way, we’re gonna stay out of that neighborhood for a while.
Is She Inside the House?
This rightfully terrified woman explained that she “looked over to see what my five-year-old niece is drawing. I was almost too afraid to ask what it was. ‘A girl that cries,’ is all she told me. I didn’t want to know if it was in our house.”

Fair enough, we probably wouldn’t want to know either. Ignorance is bliss, unhaunted bliss, after all.
Barbie’s Getting Canceled
We all know that Barbie promotes an unrealistic body standard, so we give props to this girl for not wanting to feed into that. It seems that Barbie is the doll this child was given and she’s having none of it!

This is possibly the most peaceful protest ever and we hope that this kid’s parents buy her some fuller-figured dolls ASAP. Sorry, but Barbie is canceled, and body positivity is in style now.
Equally Creepy and Wholesome
This individual’s kid wanted the “scary man mask” so they cut a mask out of a pizza box. The adult then proceeded to run around chasing the kid, while screaming like a demon.

Now, seeing that scene at night would be both wholesome and creepy — in equal parts. Let’s just hope that this adorable game took place during the daytime so as not to scare anyone.
We’d Run From That House
This is what happens when a child sleepwalks. While it’s obviously not the kid’s fault, that doesn’t make this situation any less frightening.

No matter how much we’d love our kid, we probably wouldn’t be able to stop ourselves from running out of that house screaming! Kudos to her parents for managing not to, because that child looks exactly like the girl from The Ring.
Yes, Definitely Be Worried
So, this little girl has tied her doll up and thrown her into some form of toy prison. Now, the kid’s older sister is asking if she should be worried. Let’s say… yes, definitely be concerned.

Undoubtedly, this is a wonderful child but perhaps it’s time to sprinkle some holy water around? Given the fact that there’s no way that a kid thought of this all on her own.
That’s a Devilish Cutie
This cutie pie has a seriously devilish look on his face, that’s not only scaring us but also making us think that he’s up to something. Unfortunately, our suspicions are correct as this kid took a video of himself flushing his parents’ iPad down the toilet. Now, that’s absolutely terrifying!

We hope that whatever demon possessed this poor kid at least stayed around long enough to suffer the punishment with him.
Satan’s Self-Portrait
This kid drew a self-portrait that looks like it was drawn by the Prince of Darkness himself. We truly help this child’s self-esteem, or artistic abilities, get a bit better.

Although to be fair, this youngster seems perfectly happy in his demon form and who are we to mess with perfection? As long as he feels comfortable expressing his innermost self, we suppose it’s all good.
We usually think of kids as being adorable — which they often are — but there are some who are just downright creepy. We’re not really sure if these children have been possessed or if they were simply born this way, but they’re definitely giving their parents some nightmares, which they’re now sharing with us. Just be warned, you may need to sleep with the lights on after this…