30+ Ridiculous Things Rich People Have in Their Houses

Ridiculous Things Rich People Have at Home

Step into the world of luxury and extravagance as we unveil some jaw-droppingly ridiculous things that adorn the homes of the wealthy elite. From a tropical terrace to an underground car garage, these lavish items will leave you stunned and perhaps a tad envious. Discover the over-the-top luxuries and indulgences that redefine the meaning of ‘living large,’ offering a fascinating peek into the realm of the super-rich.

Slides Instead of Stairs

Okay, hold up! Apparently, stairs are too boring for the rich and famous – now they’re all about SLIDES! Yep, forget walking like us mere mortals; these folks believe in maximizing their time, so they slide their way through life.

Slides Instead of Stairs

Need to go from the bedroom to the kitchen? Slide down like a kid on a playground! It’s like they’re living in a wacky amusement park 24/7. But if you’ve got stacks of cash and time is your biggest asset, why not embrace your inner child and slide your way between floors? We just wish our apartments came with slides for laundry day!

Poolside Movie Theater

Weekend dates with a movie night by the poolside? We guess regular movie nights are just too mainstream! Imagine lounging on a pool float, popcorn in one hand and a remote in the other, all while watching your favorite flick on a giant outdoor screen.

Poolside Movie Theater

Who needs a traditional living room when you can have a swim-in theater experience? It’s like combining leisure and entertainment into one absurdly luxurious package. We mean, sure, we’d love to watch Titanic while floating on water, but let’s be honest – we’ll settle for the trusty old couch any day. Pass the popcorn, please!

Stunning Views

Billionaires like to get up early, and now we know why! It’s probably because they wake up to views that make the rest of us feel like we’re stuck in a snooze-worthy dream. Imagine rolling out of bed and gazing upon a breathtaking landscape that puts even the most luxurious resorts to shame.

Stunning Views

Who needs to fork out big bucks for a fancy vacation when you can have this view right at home? It’s ridiculously envy-inducing because our view is more of the neighbor’s laundry than a picturesque paradise. We guess we’ll stick to Instagram travel photos for now!

Luxurius Walk-In Closet

Walk-in closets are not only for the rich and famous, but if we’re honest, no one does it quite like them. We’re used to a closet that allows us to walk in and change our clothes. This type of closet could hold an entire conference, children’s party, or charity event!

Luxurius Walk-In Closet

Seriously, how ridiculously bougie can you get? This closet says, “I’m rich, I’m loud, and I’m proud!” We don’t think we’d even be able to fill the drawers, shelves, and hanging spaces. Well, if you’ve got a large house and want to fill some space with your designer clothes and shoes, so be it!

Indoor Bowling Alley

Alright, check this out – we’ve got a lavish bowling alley inside the house because when you’re too famous to be outdoors, you bring the fun indoors! After all, who needs to hit the local lanes when you can have your very own private alley at home, right?

Indoor Bowling Alley

Can you imagine the ego boost of knocking down pins in your designer bowling shoes? If you’re that famous, you probably have a personal pin resetter too! Forget the red carpet; it’s all about the glittery bowling alley life!

Open Showers

Who needs privacy and modesty when you can put it all on display? The rich say, “Hey, let’s turn the shower into performance art!” But seriously, who wants to feel like they’re bathing in the middle of Times Square?

Open Showers

If we wanted an audience, we’d become stand-up comedians, not take a shower! Don’t get us wrong; it’s ridiculously chic, but we’ll stick to our good old four walls, thank you very much. Keep the peep show for the fashion runway, not the bathroom!

Mini Golf Course

Okay, this house has taken the concept of connecting rooms to a whole new level. Forget passages, they’ve got a golf course between two rooms! Because why walk to get from the bedroom to the kitchen? Are we right? It’s like the architect declared, “Hey, we need more birdies indoors!”

Mini Golf Course

Don’t get us wrong, we love golf, but this is next-level absurdity! Imagine trying to sneak to the kitchen for a midnight snack and ending up with a hole-in-one! We can already hear the sound of golf balls interrupting movie night. Let’s leave the golf course on the green and keep the house for regular walking, okay? Fore-get about it!


You won’t believe what’s gushing through this house – a full-fledged waterfall right in the living room! Because nothing says ‘home sweet home’ like being serenaded by rushing water 24/7! We all love a soothing water feature, but this is like living in a tropical rainforest without ever leaving the couch.


Who needs a TV when you have nature’s own entertainment channel? Can you imagine trying to host a dinner party with the constant background noise of Niagara Falls? It’s a unique experience, but let’s keep the waterfalls for outdoor hikes and Instagram selfies. A waterfall in the house? No, thank you!

3D Epoxy Floor

Sure, rich people can make their houses look like a virtual reality experience, but let’s not forget we’re still on dry land! It’s like they’ve turned their homes into an aquarium, but without the hassle of cleaning fish tanks.

3D Epoxy Floor

Imagine vacuuming around those dolphins – talk about a slippery cleaning situation! Let’s just go with plain old flat floors. Let the dolphins roam freely in the ocean – not the living room!

Specialty Kitchen Island

Check this out – a mini island in the kitchen, because regular countertops are just too mainstream for the wealthy! Who needs a normal-sized kitchen when you can have your own culinary oasis right in the middle?

Specialty Kitchen Island

But unless you’re planning to host a cooking show for an audience of 100 people, this mini island is more like a tiny deserted kitchen aisle. We guess the rich can afford to be extravagant!

Private Airport/Helipad

Get ready for takeoff, because some houses have a fully functional airport or helipad! Because, you know, who needs to deal with airport security and commercial flights when you can land your personal aircraft in your backyard?

Private Airport/Helipad

We love to travel, but imagine telling your friends, “Hey, come visit me – just land your private jet at my place!” It’s ridiculously extravagant, but one good thing is that you can get to the nearest taco joint faster, which is cool!

3D Pool Art

Hold on to your swim trunks, because we’ve got a 3D pool that’ll make you feel like a tiny fish in a gigantic ocean! Forget regular swimming pools, this one’s like diving into a never-ending aquatic adventure! You’ll do backstrokes alongside virtual whales and front crawls past holographic dolphins.

3D Pool Art

But let’s be honest, who needs a 3D pool when you can just go to the actual beach and swim with real fish? It’s like turning a simple dip into an underwater theme park, complete with water slides and virtual sharks. We do think that swimming with Nemo in 3D could be cool, though!

Royal Decor

Gold baroque, antique French-style furniture – the whole shebang! It’s like stepping into a time machine and landing smack in the middle of a 17th-century French palace. Who needs modern minimalism when you can have opulence galore?

Royal Decor

But seriously, if we had a room like that, we’d probably start talking in Shakespearean English and curtsy to our pet dog! It’s ridiculously grandiose, but at least you won’t have to worry about finding a needle in the haystack – it’s probably already encrusted in gold somewhere!

Swing Style Dining Chairs

You won’t believe the latest trend in rich people’s houses – swing-set themed dining chairs and other wacky dining room furniture designs! Because sitting on regular chairs is just too ordinary for the wealthy elite, right?

Swing Style Dining Chairs

Seriously, imagine trying to eat your spaghetti while swinging back and forth – talk about a recipe for disaster! We can already see ourselves accidentally catapulting food across the room. Let’s stick to stable chairs and a non-adventurous dinner. Leave the swing-set fun for kids!

Vertical Bathroom Garden

Check out this one-of-a-kind feature in a rich person’s house – a vertical garden inside the bathroom! Apparently, taking a shower in the midst of lush foliage is the epitome of luxury.

Vertical Bathroom Garden

We can hear this person saying, “Why settle for a regular bathroom when you can bathe in a botanical wonderland?” If you’re like us, you probably can barely keep a single houseplant alive – and now they want us to create a full-blown jungle in the bathroom.

Underground Car Garage

Who doesn’t need an underground car garage? After all, parking your fancy cars on the surface is just way too mainstream! If you are someone who has an extensive car collection, why not try to hide it away?

Underground Car Garage

Sure, we all like to protect our precious rides, but digging a secret lair for our cars seems a bit much, don’t you think? It’s like turning your driveway into a Batcave but without the crime-fighting gadgets. Hey, maybe they’re secretly training to be the next superhero. Watch out, Gotham City!

Staircase Storage

Oh, brace yourself for the grand staircase of richness! Why not use those steps when you’re running out of storage space? It’s like turning your staircase into another closet.

Staircase Storage

Storage space under stairs for shoes or coats may be a great way to utilize your space more efficiently! It’s ridiculously over-the-top, but maybe you’re a minimalist when it comes to style!

Home Theaters

Get ready to be blown away, because we’re discussing home entertainment systems galore! Rich folks don’t settle for just any home theater; they create their own cinema palaces fit for Hollywood royalty.

Home Theaters

Why go to the movies when you can have an IMAX experience in your castle – popcorn and soda included? We guess having a regular TV and Netflix is too 2010.

Movie Theater Chairs

The indulgence continues with luxurious home theater seating for entertainment! Move over, public theaters – the rich have their very own plush, reclining thrones for a movie-watching experience that’s on par with, or dare we say, even better than the fanciest cinemas in town!

Movie Theater Chairs

But let’s be honest, if we had these lavish seats, we’d probably never leave our theater, becoming permanent popcorn-munching couch potatoes! Pass us the remote, your highness, we’re ready for a movie marathon!

Game Room

Welcome to the ultimate game room, where rich people turn playtime into a never-ending extravaganza! When the money rolls in, so do the gaming wonders. They’ve got everything, from vintage arcade machines to state-of-the-art virtual reality setups.

Game Room

Seriously, who needs an entire game room when you can barely make it through Super Mario without rage-quitting? If they need a designated button masher, we’re sure they could find someone! Game on, rich folks, just leave some noob-friendly games for the rest of us!

Regulation Pool Table

Are you ready to break some balls in the ritziest style? Rich folks don’t just settle for any pool table; they’ve got regulation and professional ones that are complete with all the bells and whistles. From a fancy cue rack to top-notch cue sticks, they’re ready to compete in a world championship – in their living rooms!

Regulation Pool Table

Let’s be honest, who needs a pro-level pool table when we can barely sink a single shot without scratching? Rich or not, let’s stick to amateur pool fun and hope the next shot doesn’t end in disaster!

Bedroom Jacuzzi

Why walk to the bathroom for a relaxing soak when you can just roll out of bed and plunge into bubbly bliss? Who needs a regular morning routine when you can have a spa experience the moment you wake up?

Bedroom Jacuzzi

Can you imagine trying to sleep through the sound of bubbling water and jets? It’d definitely be common to start dreaming of being stranded on a desert island surrounded by hot tubs! Rich life or not, let’s keep bedtime free of splashy surprises!

Infinity Tub

Prepare to be amazed when you see this rich person’s house with a bathroom that’s like a luxury spa retreat! Imagine soaking in an indoor/outdoor infinity tub, where you can bring the great outdoors right into your bathroom space!

Infinity Tub

We guess it’d be too much to settle for a regular old bathroom when you can have a tropical paradise at your fingertips! Maybe it’s silly, but we think we’d probably end up scrubbing the bathtub more than relaxing in it, trying to keep all those outdoor elements from becoming indoor ones!

Lavish Gardens

This must be one of the joys of being rich – spending thousands to tens of thousands to landscape their property perfectly! Because, you know, regular grass and flowers are just too mundane for the wealthy!

Lavish Gardens

Can you imagine blowing a small fortune on something that needs constant care and maintenance? It’s their money, but we think there are better ways to spend it than hiring a team of gardeners just to keep the flowers happy.


Check out this rich person’s house – it has a massive greenhouse on the property! Apparently, having a regular garden is just too average for them! Why settle for a few flowers when you can have a jungle in your backyard?


It’s great to be close to nature, but a whole greenhouse?! We can see those garden parties where guests get lost among the ferns and exotic plants. Hey, at least they won’t need to worry about finding the perfect selfie background – just snap away amidst the greenery!

Water Features

Behold, the pinnacle of mansion landscaping – the outdoor water feature! Because, you know, no rich person’s garden is complete without a fancy fountain that costs as much as a small car!

Water Features

Can’t you see the rich throwing coin wishes like they’re making withdrawals from their own private fountain bank? Hey, if they need help managing all that fountain fortune, we’re available for hire!

Smart Houses

In the world of the rich and famous, smart houses and top-of-the-line security systems are all the rage! Because, you know, regular locks and alarms are just too outdated for their palatial abodes!

Smart Houses

It’s clear that they may be a little paranoid about security due to having all those assets, so it’s unsurprising that they shell out all that cash to set their homes up for success. But, sometimes, they automate things just a little too much! After all, who needs a smart house to flush the toilets for them?

Ski Lift to the Door

Some rich folks have found a unique way to reach their front doors. For example, having a ski lift right at their doorstep. Because, you know, walking is so last season!

Ski Lift to the Door

They must get some pretty envious looks from their neighbors, especially since they’re watching guests gliding down a mountain for dinner! We can imagine them sipping hot cocoa while dangling their legs over the lift, waving at the mortals below.

Rotating Garage Floor

Oh, the joys of being rich, showing off your prized possessions to the world! And what better way to flaunt your luxury car collection than with not just one, but TWO car turntables! Because, you know, a regular garage is just too dull for the wealthy elite!

Rotating Garage Floor

Seriously, imagine the neighborhood gossip when cars start twirling like ballerinas in a ballet. Maybe the rich spend a day hosting car spinning competitions, judging their vehicles based on elegance and poise.

Personal Chef

Having a personal food service that caters to your every culinary whim sounds like a dream come true! Most of us would probably be ordering all kinds of fancy dishes as if we were auditioning for MasterChef: Rich Edition!

Personal Chef

Lobster thermidor for dinner? Check! Cheeseburgers on demand? Double check! It’s like having a magical kitchen genie at your beck and call! After all, who doesn’t want to have a 24/7 snack hotline for those late-night cravings?

Maids and Butlers

Downton Abbey, anybody? Imagine having your very own crew of helpers to tend to your every need. Why lift a finger when you can have your personal servants do it all? We can already see ourselves pretending to be royalty, waving our hand for a butler to pass the remote or adjust the AC.

Maids and Butlers

Maybe it might be better to stick to regular household chores and cherish the days when our dog fetched the slippers – that’s our kind of butler!

Silver Houseware

Who needs ordinary forks and spoons when you can dine with sterling silver fit for a royal banquet? After all, if you have the money, you can’t just eat soup with any old spoon. So, it’s unsurprising that some of these individuals’ silverware is worth more than many people’s cars!

Silver Houseware

We don’t know about you, but we’d probably be too scared to eat, fearing we’d tarnish those precious utensils. At least they can use the silverware as a backup investment plan. Who needs stocks when you can just trade in your spoons for gold bars, right?

Panic Room

In a rich person’s house, you might find a state-of-the-art panic room – because, you know, their everyday problems require a fortress-like escape plan! After all, why settle for a regular room when you can have a high-tech bunker for those times when you can’t find the TV remote?

Panic Room

We’d be so afraid that we’d accidentally lock ourselves in the panic room while trying to find the bathroom in the middle of the night. It might be smart to have a panic room for the panic room!

Exotic Animals

Wealthy people often like to show their wealth in crazy ways, and what’s crazier than a pet menagerie that is on a whole other level? Forget about regular cats and dogs; they’ve got crazy exotic pets!

Exotic Animals

Who needs a pet fish when you can have a pet shark? Perhaps a cat upgrade to a cheetah? Maybe they’ll spend their time walking their pet peacock like it’s just another stroll in the park. Let’s be real, owning a wild animal isn’t for the faint of heart, so maybe they’d be better suited to stick to traditional pets!


Forget about garages full of cars – they’ve got stables filled with majestic, purebred horses! They seem to live the fairytale life, complete with an equine family! Wouldn’t it be something if we all could spend the day trotting around town while everyone else is stuck in traffic?


Instead of trying to keep up with them by investing in a horse, we could ride a bicycle alongside them, pretending to be part of their horse parade!


If you’re a bird fan, you might be a little jealous of some wealthy individuals and their fancy aviaries! Some rich people love to have access to their own bird paradise, complete with a feathery orchestra singing their hearts out!


Wouldn’t attending a dinner party with the soothing sounds of chirping birds in the background be cool? It’d be perfect to dine in the middle of a tropical rainforest – minus the mosquitos!

Extravagant Garden Art

Rich people have extravagant sculptures and mind-blowing installations scattered among lush greenery. This is a true statement for many a wealthy person’s gardens! There is, after all, no reason to settle for regular flowers when you can have a garden of masterpieces.

Extravagant Garden Art

But it might make it difficult to water the plants while ensuring you don’t accidentally knock over a million-dollar sculpture. They’d definitely have to make sure they were tiptoeing around like a real-life game of Don’t Break the Art!

Car Collection

When thinking of garages, everyone usually thinks of the usual two-car garage. But not the rich! This is probably because they have exotic car collections, which means they need more of a showroom instead of a simple garage.

Car Collection

The hard part is choosing which one to drive around town! One thing is certain, with all those cars, they’d probably need GPS just to find the right keys!


You’ve spent a day conquering the business world, building a billion-dollar empire, one genius idea at a time. So, it’s time to hit the pause button and unwind with a relaxing steam bath or sauna. Ah, the soothing warmth enveloping you like a cozy hug from a fluffy cloud, melting away the stress of making deals and counting zeros.


It’s like your own personal entrepreneur spa retreat – a billionaire’s version of “Calgon, take me away!” Who knew a little steam and heat could make all that business hustle feel like a walk in the park? Cheers to steamy success, both in the boardroom and the bathroom!

Fancy Recliners

We’re not talking about your regular lazy chair here – rich people have fancy recliners that could rival a spaceship’s cockpit! Why settle for just sitting when you can be massaged, pampered, and feel like you’re floating in zero gravity?

Fancy Recliners

We just hope they can get the full breadth of benefits. That may mean having a cheat sheet for navigating all those buttons and settings to find the perfect reclining position.

Spiral Library

For our fellow bookworms, brace yourselves for this one – a head-twirling library! Because regular bookshelves are just too dull, right? You walk in, and books are spinning all around you – like you’ve entered some kind of literary tornado! Talk about a reading experience that’ll make you question reality.

Spiral Library

Let’s be honest, trying to find that one specific book would be like searching for a needle in a haystack during a cyclone! We can already see everyone getting dizzy and stumbling around shelves like a confused reader at a bookish carnival. Let’s keep our heads straight and our books on stable shelves, shall we?

Monogrammed Bath Towels

Okay, get this, in a rich person’s house, even the bath towels have their own monogram! Because who needs plain old towels when you can have personalized ones for each family member, right?

Monogrammed Bath Towels

This could be another way to ensure everyone knows which towels belong to them – no towel borrowing allowed! Seriously, can you imagine getting into a towel feud with your own family members over whose initials are on which towel?

Heated Driveway

Oh, the rich and their heated driveways – because regular snow shoveling is just too plebeian for them, right? We understand that with all those fancy cars and designer clothes; you wouldn’t want to get a snowflake out of place! Why deal with winter like the rest of us when you can have a toasty driveway to match your hot lifestyle?

Heated Driveway

Just imagine the looks of envy from the neighbors as they watch the rich smoothly glide out of their snow-free driveway. Maybe they should just stick to a trusty snow shovel and dream of a day when they’ll have personal driveway snow-melting laser beams!

Mini Tropical Terrace

Oh, come on now, a mini Bali on their terrace? Rich people genuinely know how to take indulgence to a whole new level! Sure, they can afford to create these cozy, lazy terraces that look like they’re straight out of a luxury travel brochure. But why stop at mini Bali?

Mini Tropical Terrace

Next thing you know, they’ll have a mini Everest in their backyard for those days they feel like conquering mountains without leaving home! If you’ve got the bucks and want to feel stress-free in your personal paradise, why not go all out? Maybe we’ll settle for a mini Bahamas-themed hammock corner – that’s close enough!

Seasonal Furniture

You won’t believe this – in a rich person’s house, they’ve got their furniture game on point! Their homes are furnished multiple different ways, and get this – they even pay someone to store and swap it out a couple of times a year!

Seasonal Furniture

Who needs one style when you can have a new decor vibe every few months? After all, why settle for a consistent look when you can have interior design mood swings?